Curb Painting Program
We have an optional curb painting program for driveway approaches. Property owners can request that the curbs at the entrance of a driveway be painted at their expense to help reduce the likelihood that a vehicle will park within this area. Current City ordinance requires that no vehicle park within four feet of the entrance to an alley or a private road or driveway.
Guidelines for curb painting:
- The curb will be power washed and painted with yellow epoxy paint on both sides of a drive approach.
- Apply by April 30 in a given year for the painting to occur in the year the application is received. We will make every attempt to paint curbs if we receive the application after April 30.
- The program fee includes one paint application only. If the paint fades, wears, or chips away, and you wish to have the curb painted again, you will have to submit a new application and fee.
- Property owners are not allowed to self-perform paint application to any public infrastructure including curbs.
If you are interested in having the curbs adjacent to your driveway painted please review the policy on page two then complete this application and return it to us along with your payment in the amount of $120. If you have questions about this program please call Engineering Services at (414) 479-8927.
Below is a typical curb painting area.